Podcast Category

32 Circle for Presence Oct. 16, 2012 mp3

Circle for Presence: “I Don’t Mind What Happens ~ Part Deux”

Posted on 3 Oct 2012 In: Podcast

31 Circle for Presence Oct. 2, 2012 mp3 Complete & total acceptance, surrender does not mean being passive & doing nothing.  It enables us to move into the true power of who we really are & have access to ways of responding to others & situations way beyond our imaginations!

30 Circle for Presence Sept. 18, 2012 mp3 What would your life be like if you were okay with whatever was happening?  Hmmm . . . Please move your slider over to about 7 minutes, 48 seconds into the recording.  I’d forgotten to put the lapel mic on, so that 1st little bit is just […]

29 Circle for Presence Sept. 4, 2012 mp3 Staying out of your stories about a person or situation helps you to be more clear in making the best decisions for you & the ability to respond with kind appropriate action rather than knee-jerk reactions, where we really are then the puppet of the story in […]

28 Circle for Presence Aug. 21, 2012 mp3 The ego’s use of complaining to stay out of present moment, so it can exist . . . & the consequences.

27 Circle for Presence Aug. 7, 2012 mp3 Can I accept what I am feeling right now, in this moment?  Stop the resistance to it?  Stop judging how I feel?  Stop attaching to a belief of how I ‘should’ feel?

26 Circle for Presence July 31, 2012 mp3 I laughed through the teaching of most of this class!  Well, I was having a very good time!  :  )

25 Circle for Presence July 17, 2012 mp3 Circle for Presence:  “Taking the Ego as a Personal Problem” If I have decided to take on the ego, as a problem to fix, then that is simply more ego.

23 Circle for Presence May 16, 2012 mp3 A Healing Circle for learning how to move into the center of pain, being with it, then becoming it & watching it dissolve.

The 1st few minutes are just a continuous buzzing, as I forgot to turn my mic on.  Just move the slider over about a quarter of an inch & that should do it.  The rest is fine.       22 Circle for Presence May 2, 2012 mp3

Audio Teachings from "Circle for Presence" Gatherings

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